Ok- so I know this isnt a cozy, but I love love her!
here is a summary of the book-After embarrassing herself in front of her idol Candace Bushnell, popular memoirist Lancaster (Such a Pretty Fat, Bitter is the New Black) decides she needs more in her life than reality TV and hamburgers; to that end, she sets out on an Eliza Doolittle-esque project of cultural self-improvement to expand her knowledge of art, fine dining, and all the attendant trappings of "high class" life. Lancaster's latest will no doubt appeal to fans of her blog and her other books, but readers unfamiliar with her strident manner will have to get past her abrasive, initially judgmental façade; she puts on a proud display of her ignorance that can be off-putting, especially when couched in her excessively scattered writing style. Though she's unquestionably funny and comfortable in her own skin, for all the joking self-regard there's little actual exploration, and the analysis of what she does find doesn't go far beyond a sassy thumbs-up or thumbs-down.
I love this book- this is my favorite of all her books so far. I find that I can really relate to her, around the same age, married, have animals, addicted to reality tv... but I cant rock the pearls the way that she can.
I enjoyed taking this journey with her, I felt as if I was there tasting new food, listening to new music and putting my self out there. I have decided to follow in her foot steps and get a little culture myself!
You will laugh out loud in many places and feel for Jen as she tries to make her way through new ideas, food, books,culture.
If you are looking for a fun read, with stories that will at times make you sad, most times make you laugh ( I got yelled at for reading the book and work and was told to shush) but at the end you feel like you have learned something, and had a hell of good laugh and time getting there!
5 ******* stars- cant wait for your next book!
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